Case study

Doubling Submissions with a Proven Offshore Partner

Founded in 1979, HicksPro is a certified Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise (DVBE) and Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business (SDVOSB). After working with another offshore provider, HicksPro was surprised and delighted to discover the 247Hire difference.

The Need

Offshore recruiting was nothing new to HicksPro, but they struggled to achieve the results they hoped for after years of working with offshore teams. Time lost managing and educating offshore recruiters was costly and inefficient. When 247Hire reached out to HicksPro, they were reluctant to add another offshore team to the mix, but agreed to give 247Hire a try.

As Lisa Price, Vice President, Client Services for HicksPro, says, “I was very frank with the 247Hire team when they called to discuss their services. It was a lot of work for me to manage and support our existing offshore provider. I was not interested in increasing the already substantial workload that came with overseeing the offshore recruiters.”

The Challenges


Time and energy lost managing an existing offshore team


Lacking best practices to improve offshore processes


A need to improve accuracy and acceptance


Lacking a desired submission volume


The Solution

Seeking an effective offshore partner who could manage sourcing, recruiting and screening effortlessly, HicksPro agreed to augment its existing offshore resource with a 247Hire team to compare performance. Rather than assigning only recruiters, 247Hire dedicated a diverse team of experts to improve results, eliminating any need for constant oversight.

The Impact

In just the first month of the engagement, HicksPro was convinced that 247Hire offered a superior offshore solution. 247Hire’s proven team structure, training and approach to quality assurance led to significant results, including:

  • 2x more submissions: 247Hire submitted 142 resumes in the first month alone, sourcing 34 more resumes than the competing offshore company in a single quarter.
  • Plunge in rejections: In the first quarter, the offshore candidate rejection rate fell from a 17% average to just 4% with 247Hire.
  • Surge in acceptance: Resume skills match reached an all-time high of 90%.

As Price says, “We were blown away right from the start. 247Hire was submitting twice as many candidates as our other supplier and our candidate rejection rates were plummeting. Immediately we saw the difference 247Hire offered in productivity, responsiveness and accuracy.”

Recognizing the incredible results, HicksPro moved quickly to engage 247Hire as its sole offshore sourcing and recruiting partner. Together with 247Hire, HicksPro has discovered significant gains and the difference the right offshore partner makes.

“We are thrilled with the sourcing service and the recruiting best practices 247Hire has brought to our organization … I love that all the extra oversight work I had to do before is gone. They know what we need, they know how to deliver and I know I will get high-quality candidates,” said Price.

“The turning point for me was getting to know our onsite lead from 247Hire. His experience was impressive enough, but he also understood our business and the demands of the blue-chip corporate clients we support. He was immersed in our staffing world even though he was on the other side of the world.”

Lisa Price

Vice President, Client Services at HicksPro

Resumes in month one
Skills match
0 %
Rejection rate
0 %

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